Thursday 6 May 2010


We agreed that the cover that had been submitted at the initial proposal was not strong, and said very little about the course: (it also use A LOT of colour)

I had concerns about the use of Pathway A and B on the covers, as this means nothing to anyone outside of the college, and in some cases the course. There was some debate about whether to use the A and B, between us and with the fashion tutors. We eventually agreed that the A and B weren't necessary and that using the names of each path way was more descriptive and made the overall design much clearer.

The 2010 was also an issue - it felt like it took over and was the main focus of the design, which it didn't need to be. Including the 2010 and college name was important, but it needed to be secondary in the hierarchy, rather than the first thing you read.

These are the ideas that we put forward to fashion for them to make a decision from:

We put together some cover designs that we though might work a little better and showed these to fashion.

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