Wednesday 19 May 2010

Tea Nets...

I have been focusing on finishing all of the work for my other briefs before I returned to working on this brief. I have made some decisions;
I am only going to package tea for children as this is a more interesting and specialised brief. Packaging tea for adults isn't very inspiring, simply because there are a lot of products already available within the same remit as my ideas.
So... I have decided to focus on the childrens tea, and work on the idea of the building blocks - as these are fun and interesting, and allow for the packaging to be more interesting.

I have looked at a couple of nets that may be suitable for the box, and I have made them up to see how they function and can contain the tea.


This net is a little unwieldy at the moment, it isn't sized very well. However, it is a box that fold out flat and requires a little glue to hold it all together. I like the idea of the box folding flat because I would like to put information on the inside of the box - information about tea - where it comes from etc. and instructions as to how to make a cup. I want the packaging to act as a directional piece of the product, as well as the packaging.


This net is a little odd - the base is very strange. It has four pieces that fold in to make the top, which means it is a little difficult to keep it shut. This net does not fold out to be flat, so information would not be applied to the inside. This net is not really appropriate.


This net forms a cube and folds up from a flat net. It holds itself together to an extent; I think that a thicker stock would improve this. I like that it becomes a large area that information can be applied, and would be very suitable for my idea. An issue may arise with the overlapping areas on the out side, which mean that the print has to go across several layers - but this can be worked around.

I am going to produce ideas for nets 1 and 3 and make a decision about the shape when I have a more solid idea of what I am applying to it.

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